The assignment I created can be found at:
I chose this assignment because it seemed like something second graders would be able to do, and it complemented the framework I chose very well. The framework I chose was: LS.2.2.6 Describe the function of the following plant parts: leaves, stems, flowers, and roots.
From this assignment I learned that Pinterest can make a great teaching tool for teachers. I honestly did not know how to work Pinterest before I was in this class, and I know that is sad because most females know how to do Pinterest.
Here is the project I did:
Step 1: fold the construction paper "hotdog" style
Step 2: cut the paper into four equal sections
Step 3: draw a flower on the outside of your booklet
Step 4: COLOR!!!
Step 5: (optional) Label the inside of the flaps
Step 6: write the function of each plant part