Sunday, March 16, 2014

Social Networking

In one of my Education classes called Intro to Technology we were given a topic to blog about.  The topic we were given to talk about was social networking. Each student had to find two links or blogs that talked about social networking… because I am who I am I could not figure out how to mention other blogs so I will be referring to links.
 The first article is on this website called "Teens and the Media: article says that social media affects school, obesity, commercials, stereotypes, violence, and sexuality.  A couple things from this article really caught my attention, for example, according to this article children who watch a lot of TV will do poorly in school, and they do not read as well as the children who do not watch very much TV.  The other thing that caught my attention was that this article said that if a four year old sees violent video games then they are more likely to be a bully.  I think this article is very biased.  I feel like everything that was said about social media was negative. One of the only things I agreed with were the points about the children becoming sexually active at a younger age. If you look back at the generations that did not have internet or had very little television there was not as much sexual activity at younger ages.  Today children are experiencing sexual activities as young as 12 years old.
The second article I researched was “Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Society”: I really enjoyed this article because it talked about negative and positive aspects of the social media.  I agree that the social media can become addicting because before I go to bed every night I check my instagram account to see who all has posted pictures.
I think that the social media plays a huge role on how young people behave.  I also think that social media can have positive and negative effects on people.  Social media can positively influence people by helping them gain the skills needed to have conversations with people, but it can also have negative impacts, for example, a big negative impact of social media is bullying. I think that how social media  affects a specific person is up to them…you can let it affect you negatively, or you can choose not to be negativity influenced.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with how social media affects on people, it's up to you as person on how you act on it.
